Frequently Asked Questions
What is a REN?
In 2017, Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 182, which created the Educator Advancement Council (EAC), an innovative public/nonprofit partnership designed to support public educators. The EAC was charged with the task of creating “Regional Educator Networks” (REN). There are 10 REN’s in Oregon. The geographic boundaries of the Eastern Oregon REN are depicted in on the homepage. The Eastern Oregon REN covers more than 1/3 of the State of Oregon and is comprised of 40 member districts across its five county region.
How Do I Register for an Event?
Go to our event calendar page and click on the event that you are interested in within our Google Calendar. You will find the appropriate registration link in the calendar details. You can also find upcoming PD events on our professional development page. Click on the PD (professional development) event you are interested in.
How Do I View an Event That Has Already Passed?
Please check out our PD Archive page for session recordings, .pdfs, slides, and other resources from past events.
How Do I Get a PDU Certificate for Sessions I have Attended?
Our PDU forms are specific to each event, so please check the corresponding event page from the Professional Development Page (for events that are current or yet to happen) or our PD Archive (for past events) to find the PDU request you need.