Eastern Oregon Teacher Academy
Date: June 21-25, 2022
Eastern Oregon University & Wallowa County ESD
Phone: Dave Dallas - 541-962-3535
Email: ddallas@eou.edu
Eastern Oregon University
One University Boulevard
La Grande, OR 97850
The Eastern Oregon Teacher Academy (EOTA) serves to bring the best and brightest together to learn about the teaching profession.
EOTA will be held on the EOU campus in La Grande, June 21st - June 25th, 2022.
The East Oregon Teacher Academy at Eastern Oregon University (EOU), sponsored by The College of Education aims to graduate the brightest high school freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Opportunities also exist for current paraprofessionals in the field to paraprofessionals in the field to participate. All participants will have the chance to earn EOU credit.
During this intense three-day program, the participants share in a variety of activities that will help them to better understand what teachers do and to determine whether or not they have the potential for meeting this professional challenge.
Participants will be assigned a diverse mentor who will share in various activities that will help them better understand what teachers do. Activities include participating in seminars on leadership and self-improvement and having the opportunity to listen to and interact with faculty, National Board-Certified Teachers, among other highly accomplished educators.
This year’s East Oregon Teacher Academy will be on-campus at Eastern Oregon University. Tuition is free but space will be limited due to current Covid-19 restrictions. Currently EOU is requiring all students to be tested prior to arrival. EOU will pay for this testing and provide attendees with the appropriate testing. This requirement may change due to state policies. Lodging and food will be provided on the EOU campus for attendees
You have been provided with an FAQ on the Academy as well as a downloadable application for EOTA. The deadline for applications is May 20th, 2022. They can be submitted by email to: ddallas@eou.edu.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact Dave Dallas:
E-mail: ddallas@eou.edu
Phone: 541.962.3535
We are very excited about the EOTA and we hope that this will provide participants with an opportunity to learn more about and explore the field of teaching and consider the possibility of working in rural and underserved communities in Oregon.